Have a great week!
Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
December Recap
Hello Friends...
I had a few seconds so I thought I would give you a recap of my December in pictures.
I had a few seconds so I thought I would give you a recap of my December in pictures.
I did not get to decorate very much this year due to my arm being the way it is. However I did put all 20 of my Nativity sets out.
I did have a little Christmas tree.
The only other decorating I did in the house is in my kitchen.
I love Jim Shore figurines.
I was unable to put up my 6.5 foot tree due to my arm still hurting, so my husband being a manly man went outside and promptly decorated a 35 foot one in our yard. (Love him!)
Christmas Eve was spent at my Mother in laws house with these little cuties!
We had a lot of fun and too much was eaten by all!
Later that evening we attended our churches Candle Light Service.
Truly beautiful service.
My gifts from my hubby with my help. lol
Christmas day we go to my Mom and Dad's house.
When I got there my older niece had the sweetest card she had made for my husband and I.....she can draw like you can not believe. (she is only 10 years old)
The best thing ever is watching the little ones open gifts! (BIG gifts at that)
But even better than that is watching two grown men work like mad to make one little girl very happy after opening said gift!
This is my mom who is a very gifted quilter herself, I gave her a stack of fabric and her first spool of Aurfil thread.
As you can see by this quilt she made for my sister in law who is a photographer.
Can you see the camera shaped blocks?
Our family (my side anyway)
I am on the left in red, my son is directly behind me and my husband behind him.
My mom beside me and my dad behind her.
My brother is behind my dad with his littlest one on his shoulder. My sister in law in front of them and my niece and nephew in front of her.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. And I hope you have a Happy and Blessed New Year.
Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Verse for Sunday
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. I will be taking a break from blogging until after the first of the year.
Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Friday, December 20, 2013
I finally did it....
No sorry didn't finish my quilt! But....I did post my first tutorial yeah!!
You might remember not long ago I posted that I had made some homemade Body Butter Here. Some of you ask if I could post how I made it.
So I decided that I would just make a Tutorial's Page on here just in case I might add another tutorial some day.
So if you would like to see my tutorial on how to make your very own Homemade Body Butter you can click on the tab at the top of the page labeled "My Tutorials" or you can just click HERE and it will take you straight to the post.
Have fun friends and if you have any question about how to make the Body Butter or if you would like to just say Hi you can email me at: flquiltershell (at) gmail (dot) com
I hope you are spending time with your family this week and next. If you can't take some time out to call and chat with them or drop them a line....
Hugs and best stitches to you all,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
You might remember not long ago I posted that I had made some homemade Body Butter Here. Some of you ask if I could post how I made it.
So I decided that I would just make a Tutorial's Page on here just in case I might add another tutorial some day.
So if you would like to see my tutorial on how to make your very own Homemade Body Butter you can click on the tab at the top of the page labeled "My Tutorials" or you can just click HERE and it will take you straight to the post.
Have fun friends and if you have any question about how to make the Body Butter or if you would like to just say Hi you can email me at: flquiltershell (at) gmail (dot) com
I hope you are spending time with your family this week and next. If you can't take some time out to call and chat with them or drop them a line....
Hugs and best stitches to you all,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Thankful Thursday #9
Hello Friends!
Thanks for stopping by for Thankful Thursday!
Romans 14:13 GNB
Thanks for stopping by for Thankful Thursday!
I am thankful for those who stick to their morals and values and are not afraid to talk about them in a public forum.
I really think it helps me to know there are people out there that will stick to what the bible says and they don't back down!
It all started when my husband called attention to a link on our Facebook page that he had shared. He said to me "Hey Babe I want you to go and read this article. This is what we have been talking about all along."
So I went and read the article. It was written by Phylicia Duran and is on her blog A Quill & Inkwell - You can find the article: HERE it's called "That Day I Wore Yoga Pants"
As you can see if you went to the comments section it is closed after only 49 comments. And if you read the comments you can see why. She was virtually attacked for her beliefs on Her Own Blog of all things.
So I wrote her an email to thank her for her blog post. Here is what I said:
I just read your entry on "Yoga Pants". I would like to say thank you for your wonderful words of inspiration. My husband was the first to see it and post it to Facebook. He said I think you should read it, this is what you and I have been saying all along.
I just read your entry on "Yoga Pants". I would like to say thank you for your wonderful words of inspiration. My husband was the first to see it and post it to Facebook. He said I think you should read it, this is what you and I have been saying all along.
You see I am an almost 40 year old mom of a 20 year old son. And for me to see some of the girls in public as well as our church bring themselves to dress the way they do is heartbreaking to me. A few years back there was a group of girls in our church that came up with a slogan that said "Modest Is Hottest" and it really caught on. But sadly when they all graduated from high school and left the youth group or left for college they took all the hype about being modest with them.
It really is sad that in our society today that girls/women feel it's necessary to dress a certain way just to get attention. I read a "tweet" that my son put on Twitter. He called no names and I'm not sure if the girl in question even follows him but it was simply this "So I guess it's customary for a girl on her 18th birthday to go and dress trashy and be completely un-classy?" This is my son who has never been on a "date" in his life. He said you should never date anyone you would not merry. A few days later I caught a tweet to another girl on Twitter where he was telling her that in NO way were leggings pants! Her reply was at certain times they were. He quickly tweeted back only if the top you are wearing over them hits right above your knee. She did not reply to that.
All I am saying is simply this:
Romans 14:13 GNB
So then, let us stop judging one another. Instead, you should decide never to do anything that would make another stumble or fall into sin.
I want to thank you as well for your "Highlight Reel" post as well. I read it right after the yoga pants one. What I think most people (and I'm pointing at myself here too) don't realize is that God made us in His image. Here is what I mean:
Genesis 1:27 NIV
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
If He made all of us (and He did) how can we be that bad.
Thanks again for sharing your incite into both of these topics, I really can relate to all you have said. Thanks for taking a public stand!
Hugs and best stitches to you,
Michelle Chitty
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
www.renewingmrssewsew. blogspot.com
Michelle Chitty
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Her reply was as follows:
Dear Michelle,
Thank you for your email! It's always encouraging to hear from moms raising up some AWESOME sons for a lovely future wife! I have a 17 and 11 year old brother, respectively, and I cringe at the women they have to choose from. It is partially out of my heart for these young men that I wrote that post: let's help them out! Women have a responsibility too.
You brought up a great point - that we were made in the image of God, and after the fall, nakedness was a shame. Today's culture glorifies it. Girls are oblivious to the war they cause on these young men and then angry when they are treated in a lustful manner. This is unfair and not God honoring.
I pray your son continues to grow in strength and knowledge of the Lord and that he receives a wife who loves God as much as he does!
God bless,
Thank you for your email! It's always encouraging to hear from moms raising up some AWESOME sons for a lovely future wife! I have a 17 and 11 year old brother, respectively, and I cringe at the women they have to choose from. It is partially out of my heart for these young men that I wrote that post: let's help them out! Women have a responsibility too.
You brought up a great point - that we were made in the image of God, and after the fall, nakedness was a shame. Today's culture glorifies it. Girls are oblivious to the war they cause on these young men and then angry when they are treated in a lustful manner. This is unfair and not God honoring.
I pray your son continues to grow in strength and knowledge of the Lord and that he receives a wife who loves God as much as he does!
God bless,
The other article I referred to in my email was called "Highlight Reel" you can find it HERE
Make sure you if you read this one that you also read the one she referenced from Samantha (Steele) Ponder that was the one I was most disturbed by. You can find it directly HERE
The comments on Samantha's post were not closed so I did leave her a comment. This is what I said:
Michelle says November 26, 2013 at 1:28 pm
Thank you for this post. They must not know. Psalm 139:14 NIV I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
He made you therefore you need nothing more added or taken away. (Just so you know I don’t see anything wrong with your eyebrows!)
I hope I have not rambled on too long. I sure hope that it is not just me that feels this way. Thanks friends for letting me tell you a little about what I am Thankful for and a lot about what has been bothering me.
If you have time tell me what you are most Thankful for this week.
Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Starting to Swoon
Hi Friends!
Glad you had time to stop by today.
I wanted to show you a few things I have been working on.
I finally, finally, finally got the time to put together one Swoon block. Hey don't laugh it's a start and you have to start somewhere right?!
Glad you had time to stop by today.
I wanted to show you a few things I have been working on.
I finally, finally, finally got the time to put together one Swoon block. Hey don't laugh it's a start and you have to start somewhere right?!
O.K. now only 15 more to go. I have to make it to fit my bed which is king size.
I have also still been sitting at night working on my Hexies.
They are just soooo cute. I have a few favorites. The one with the deer is my all time fav. If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen him already. Also the pink one with cheery's has made an appearance on IG as well. But! The one with the big strawberry I am so crushing on!!
One more thing to show you this week it is totally un-quilt related. I decided to make some gifts for Christmas this year. After this summer of making my own mosquito repellent I jumped right in to make my own Body Butter.
I was going to put the whole process on here with step by step photo's but I just didn't. If you all would like for me to I might write up another post for that just let me know on the comments section.
I used just simple mason jars to put mine in.
Avery makes labels that you can put through your printer to label with.
Cute string from Target for a dollar. The boxes I got from Hobby Lobby they are made for cupcakes. Nothing real fancy here but a gift from the heart.
Linking up with:
Quilt Story for Fabric Tuesday
I have to say for Show and Tell Tuesday
Freshly Pieced for Work In Progress Wednesday
Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thankful Thursday #8 and Happy Thanksgiving
Welcome friends and thanks for stopping by!
Today is Thankful Thursday and Thanksgiving!
Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Today is Thankful Thursday and Thanksgiving!
Today I am Thankful for this time to gather with my family. Even though there will be empty seats at our table this year I am still Thankful. I had my time with those who are not here. They had finished their task here so The Lord has called them home! Sure I will miss them for many years to come and it is painful right now because it is fresh but I know that I will see them again one day!
If you have time tell me a little about what you are Thankful for! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Giveaway WINNER!
Wow thank you all for participating in my Giveaway. I hope you all had fun hopping all over the web in the Quilting Gallery's

I would like to wish you all a
So here is the part you have all been waiting for. I had 44 participants. Yes I know this is not the best way to do this but...this is the way I chose to do it.

And the WINNER is.......
I agree with everything she says here. There is simply not enough room here and you would all get board reading what all I am thankful for!
I have already emailed Barb and she has emailed me back and she is so excited to get the pattern. Barb I want to see the finished quilt.
Remember just because you didn't win the pattern on my blog doesn't mean you can't have it. You can buy it straight from Camille Roskelley on her website Thimble Blossoms
I would like to wish you all a
I hope you all have a chance to gather with your family and express to the Lord and each other how truly Thankful you are.
I want to thank each and every one of you who dropped by and left me a comment. I did read them all even though I did not respond to them all.
I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew
Sunday, November 24, 2013
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