
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hello I'm still here...

Well kind of...
We are still on vacation in Maggie Valley, NC and have decided to stay another day we love it here. Hope you all are well and quilting for me too. LOL

Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vintage Sheet Quilt FINISH!

Well I did get a quilt finished this week. I didn't think it was going to happen but I just had to finish it. We are taking our vacation Tomorrow!!! I need to take this quilt with me because we are going to the mountains and I am told it will be a lot colder than down here in the sunshine state! 

Believe me we need a vacation after working on my husbands new shop and my new quilt studio. Woo Hoo Yes you read that right he is putting me a NEW quilt studio in his new shop. I am beyond exited!! It will take us some time because we are doing most of the work ourselves. But I have no doubt it will happen. So here is a picture tutorial of what I have been up to.

This is such a soft quilt I am in love with it. If you follow me on instagram you know my husband is too. LOL

I love this sheet that I bound it with. I did have to cut it on the bias to get it to look this way.

I used one of my many decorative stitches on my machine on the binding. I plan to use this quilt a lot so I turned the binding to the front and stitched it down.

I made my own label. I found this method on Pintrest you can see it on my board labeled crafts HERE

Sorry this picture is blurry it is the back of the label. 

This is the back of the quilt with this beautiful daisy sheet.

Now I will show you what else we have been doing.

This is Darren's little shop before.

We had someone remove the siding.

We hired a contractor to put a pole barn over the shop he has to much equipment to store anywhere else.

The contractor is done now it's our turn.

This is the end my studio will be on.

All framed up for the concrete. 

We got most of the medal siding on.

Again this is the end my Quilt Studio will be on. Above where I will park my car. Now you can see why I am ready for my vacation!

I will try to keep you all in the loop this week with our vacation but the best way to follow along is on instagram. 

Linking up with:
Meg and Heather for Fabric Tuesday @ Quilt Story

Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Verse for Sunday

I hope you have a great week.
Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday #4

Welcome Friends today is...

So glad you have time to stop by. Again I just want to tell you how thrilled I get to read a little about what is going on in your lives and what you are all thankful for Thank You all for sharing with me.

Today I am thankful for hard work. YES, I am thankful that I can work hard and that I am working hard. 
A few weeks ago I shared with you all about a building that was going up on our property and that we had a crew and contractor come in and put it up. Well they are all gone now, so it is my husband and I finishing the building. 
Which by the way will house my new Quilt Studio!!!

I have also been dealing with a lot of I guess arthritis in my hands. Well let me tell you after swinging a hammer for two days I should by all rights not be able to open nor close my hands at all. Well they are a little stiff but I can use them. You can see the evidence right here because I am typing up a storm on this computer!! God is so good!! I just prayed about it and said God I am turning my fear over to you about this. 

I will share some progress here or for more you can check my instagram account HERE

I hope you all have a great week. Now tell me a little about what you are thankful for this week!

I may or may not be able to do Thankful Thursday next week we are going on vacation and will be in the mountains. I will sure try if I can get a signal!

Hugs and best stitches to you all,

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Verse for Sunday

Have a great week,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thankful Thursday #3

Hello friends today is Thursday so it is time for:

Today I am thankful that great weather. It was not bad over the weekend. I know you are thinking Uh! Well over the weekend we were supposed to have a hurricane but it never developed. We did get some rain off the system but no damaging winds which I am thankful for. 

Our weather that the good Lord has blessed us with has been excellent. I am partial to Fall. I like being outside and here in Florida it is the perfect time to do that. We don't have trees that change pretty colors (unless you like brown) but our temps in the Fall are to die for. 

So today I am thankful you can say for Fall.

Now, please tell me what you are thankful for right now.

Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Verse for Sunday

I hope you have a great week.
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thankful Thursday #2

Hello friends today is Thankful Thursday.

Today I would like to tell you about a very special person that I am Thankful for.

My Husband Darren. Darren is the man God made just for me. He is my help meet! Next Wednesday on the 9th we will have been married for 21 years. Darren is a very hard working man and provides for our family above and beyond anything you have ever seen. As I am typing this right now Darren is off at work. I can hear the crew outside that he hired to build him a new shop. But, when he hired them I had no idea of his plans. I just thought that he was building a bigger shop. But one day while he was drawing his plans out he told me "when I get this built I want you to have a Quilt Studio up stairs in my shop." I said babe I can't just quilt anywhere. He said don't worry it will be heated and cooled. I said o.k. lets see where this goes. So off we are going on another adventure. 

But just to make sure you hear me:

He is the one for me and my very best friend that sticks with me no matter what!

This was after our wedding on October 9, 1992

I just still can't get over how handsome he is and that he asked me to marry him. sigh....

The photographer wanted me to strike this pose, that's our marriage license.  

I still get these little tingles when he call's me on the phone or right before I see him when he is coming home from work. This just about sums it up for me.

Now let me tell you I am not saying that our marriage has always been hearts and flowers we have had some rocky places too.  That brings me to....

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails....

2007 Bristol Tennessee 

Chattanooga, Tennessee 2011

Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 2012

Pigeon Forge Tennessee 2012

If you haven't noticed we like Tennessee. We are going back in about two weeks for another anniversary trip. This time to Tennessee for a while and then to North Carolina. 

If I could tell you anything about being thankful for my husband I would tell you this. He loves me the way Jesus does and I am thankful for that and thankful for him and to him for putting up with me. LOL 

I hope you have a great rest of your week. Now tell me what your thankful for!

I would like to thank Amy over at A Quilting Sheep for taking time out of her busy schedule to design my new logo for Thankful Thursday. Thank You Amy! 

I hope to have my button up and posted soon so keep an eye on my side bar for the button you can grab. :)

Hugs and best stitches to you,

a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Some Progress

Well I have finally made some progress on a few things in my sewing room. Most of what I have been doing has been outside this week but I got that accomplished so back to sewing YEAH!!

First I'll show you some pictures of the quilt I made out of vintage sheets. If you missed that post it's right HERE

I am just doing simple straight line quilting on it. I just need something anything to get done right now.

I was hoping to have more of it quilted but life got in the way again!

Like I said just some straight line quilting fast and easy. 

This is the sheet I used for the back. I love it!

So now I must show you what was in my mail box yesterday. I hope you love it as much as I do. 

This is some more fabric I got from Etsy. This is just darling... I bought it from Sew Deerly Loved. You can check out the Etsy shop HERE

But....this is Wonderful

This is the package that I got from Donna's Lavender Nest. Let me tell you Donna can put a package together! This is my fabric wrapped in tissue with ribbon little cute cut out hearts and a beautiful little clothes pen holding her business card and a label for me to use! (the money is from refunded shipping charges REFUNDED shipping, She didn't have to do that)

But it gets better!!! 

Take the purple tissue off and look ric rack! She is trying to spoil me. (and it's working)

This fabric is unbelievable! Oh and just so you know the light blue with the tiny flowers was supposed to be a half yard well she said it was the end of the bold so she just gave me all of it! Wow soooo nice! 

Visit Donna at her website HERE or her Etsy shop HERE or you can see what she has been making with all her pretty fabric on her blog HERE

Again none of these ladies have asked me to include them in my blog posting. When I find something I really enjoy I like to share! 

Well I know you are all wondering why I am buying all this pretty fabric. I am finally, finally, finally getting a chance to start my hexie project! Yeah....(lots of hand clapping here)

I have 1" hexies and I almost have it all set to go with me.

Yes that is a cigar box. And No I don't smoke. LOL A friend of mine bought this for me. She said they are perfect for your sewing projects. She is so right! I have this little one she gave me and a bigger one she gave me and it holds my 7" embroidery hoop. 

I did buy the template to go with. I really wanted to fussy cut a lot of these fabrics so I thought it was the right choice to get the template. (they make one for each size) I bought mine from Paper Pieces HERE


I hope you all have a great week with what ever you are sewing.

Linking up with:

Meg and Heather for Fabric Tuesday @ Quilt Story
Randi for Show and Tell Tuesday @ I Have To Say
Lee for Work In Progress Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced

Hugs and best stitches to you,