
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Verse for Sunday

Today I don't have a verse for you as such but a line from a song.
Today the church that I attend's choir along with 4 other church choirs will blend together to preform in concert to end the summer.
It's called: Celebration of Praise 
There is a song we will sing called: Victor's Crown
And in that song there is a line that is written: Hallelujah  Jesus You have over come the world

This ran through my head so much this week until I had to put that in my journal. 

I hope you have a great week and find a song to sing.

Hugs and best stitches to you,
a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Verse For Sunday

I hope you have a great week.

Hugs and best stitches to you,

a.k.a. Mrs. Sew & Sew